About Soul War

Find out what really went down in the Garden of Eden;

what happened in Heaven–and more importantly: how it affects YOU!, and your life, both now and for eternity. Right after Adam and Eve, the first two humans on earth–sin, Satan and two of his generals show up at the Pearly Gate of Heaven to throw it in God’s face.
What follows is the long-awaited answer to the age-old question: “If God is so good, why does He allow evil in the World?” This is the question that each of us must wrestle with as we live our lives; and our understanding of the answer has ETERNAL consequences for us.
So buckle your seat belts, because you’re about to get a front-row seat on the real story that the devil doesn’t want you to know.

Cast & Credits

God: Dennis Starkey

Jesus: David Brannon
Satan: Jonathan Montes
Narrator: Mark Piotrowski
Satan’s General/Shocked Angel: Jonathan Price
Gabriel: Chad Mutchler
Original Songs/Music Director: Chad Mutchler
Musical Score/Mastering: Jonathan Price
Story/Script: Omar Miranda

Recording Details

Copyright © 2017 Ticket Home Ministries, Inc.

Recording Length: 60 Minutes

Ilustration: Jeff Preston

Design: Truman Studio/Trent Truman